Thursday, June 14, 2012

My first birth

Avery Ross Bean was born June 19, 2005 on Father's day.  Here is our story.

{Our dog Gir enjoying getting to know the baby}

"It was Father’s day and I was 41 ½ weeks pregnant so I had to go to Sutter Hospital to get a non-stress test. The test went great, but I was worried that I would have to go into labor and Griffin would be gone, so we asked our midwife, Shana, to break my water. She decided after checking me, and because we were in the hospital, that it would be alright. She went ahead and broke my water and it was the strangest feeling. Luckily I started having contractions right away. This was 3 PM. Griffin and I went to my parents’ house to try to celebrate Father’s Day, but then my contractions started getting a little heavy. We decided to go home, but 2 minutes into the drive, I knew I wasn’t going to make it. I called my midwife and she said to time them for another hour. So we did and they were about a minute apart. So then she said that we could meet her at the Birth Center. I was relieved. This was around 7:30 PM. We got into the car and it hurt to be sitting down, but the ride was pretty short. As soon as we got there, Shana hadn’t arrived yet so we were waiting outside. I threw up twice on me, Griffin and a new phone pole that was sitting on the ground waiting to be put up next to the Birth Center. Shana finally arrived and checked me out. I was dilated 5 cm, so she said that I could stay.
Griffin and I walked into the birthing room and I was so hot, so we stepped outside to labor there. Griffin was awesome. I had to hold onto him for every contraction and he was there every second right next to me. Soon the birthing tub was filled up and I was ready to go on in. I stepped in and Griffin stayed on the outside just holding my hand. I fell asleep for about an hour. It was nice. Then I had the urge to push. Horray! It was a good thing too because my blood pressure was pretty high and my midwife was about to check it again and if it didn’t go down, she would probably take me to the hospital. Thank goodness I wanted to push because she was so busy helping me that she didn’t check my blood pressure again. I then got out of the tub because I felt like he wouldn’t come out if I was sitting on him, and I didn’t feel like squatting.

So the pushing was pretty nice. I just held onto Griffin’s shoulder every time I needed to push. Unfortunately I was pushing rather than breathing the baby down. I guess that’s kinda a hard thing to practice though. At least I stopped when she told me to and only pushed when she told me to. We birthed on the toilet, the bathroom sink, the yoga ball and finally came to the bed. I went on my hands and knees for a while, then onto my back. Funny, but that’s how he came out. I had this vision of having him in the tub, but ended up having him in a bed on my back/side. Oh well. Oh and he came out in a compound presentation, meaning that his hand was up by his ear so I had to push a head and an arm out at the same time, unfortunately this tore me up pretty badly. Luckily it wasn’t painful, not for me at least. It was, however, the neatest feeling when he finally slid out. I felt like I just participated in the most amazing miracle ever! I wouldn’t trade that feeling for the world.
Little Avery came out at 11:47 PM and was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. His skin was perfect there were not blemishes or marks and his head was shaped perfectly. He was a whopping 9 lbs. 7 oz. And is now the love of our lives.

Unfortunately, Griffin had to go to the Air Force base the next morning for most of the day and then the next day flew off to Texas for boot camp. Luckily we have a ton of pictures and I take more every day. Pretty soon we will be reunited and can enjoy all the milestones in Avery’s life as well as the ones in our new family."

{Hehehe.  This was my hubby 7 years ago.  This was one of the first times he held him.  Avery was 6 weeks old}

I wrote this almost 7 years ago and every time I read it, I still feel as if I remember it all too well. I hope you enjoyed reading it and that it gave you a glimpse into what I am all about. Please ask any questions, or leave any comments <3 Mia

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